Viernes 26 de mayo – 17,00hs. – Auditorio Leonardo Favio Espacio Cultural BCN
Jueves 25 de mayo – 19,00hs. – CMA
Mali, situada en el corazón de África Occidental, es cuna del Blues y Jazz actuales. MALI BLUES explora la rica cultura musical de su pueblo y la amenaza de los islamistas radicales que prohíbe la música. El documental sigue la historia de cuatro músicos que tienen algo en común: su música conecta, consuela, cura y estimula a la gente a pelear contra los radicales islamistas para provocar un cambio en su país y por un futuro de paz y tolerancia.
Mali, situated in the heart of Western Africa, is the cradle of today’s Blues and Jazz. MALI BLUES explores the country’s rich musical culture and it’s threat by radical Islamists that ban music. The documentary follows the story of four Malian musicians that have something in common: their music connects, consoles, heals and gives people the power to fight – against a radical Islam, for a change in their country and for a future in tolerance and peace.
Director: Lutz Gregor
Alemania, 2016, 90 min. Documental, ATP

G/S: Lutz Gregor
F/Ph: Axel Schneppat
M/E: Markus Schmidt
M/M: Fatoumata Diawara, Bassekou Kouyaté, Master Soumy, Ahmed Ag Kaedi, Pascal Capitolin
I/A: Fatoumata Diawara, Bassekou Kouyaté, Master Soumy And Ahmed Ag Kaedi
P/P: Gebrüder Beetz Filmproduktion Berlin Gmbh, Co. Kg
D/D: Icarus Films – Lea-Marie Körner
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Estrenos y premios
Visions Du Réel, Switzerland, April 2016 – World premiere Indie Lisboa, Portugal, April 2016 – Portugal-Premiere Filmfest München, Germany, Juni 2016 – German premiere Festival des deutschen Films, Germany, Juni 2016, “Special Mention” for Fatoumata Diawara in Mali Blues Fünf Seen Film Festival, Germany, Juli 2016 Cinema d’Afrique, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 2016 Neue Heimat, Deutschland, August 2016 Duhok International FF, Kurdistan, Irak, Sept 2016 – MENA Premiere Toronto International FF, Sept 2016 – North America Premiere Unerhoert Musikfilmfestival, Germany, Sept 2016, Opening Film & Winner „Best Film“ Raindance Int FF, UK, Sep 2016 – UK-Premiere Ciné Droit Libre, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Mali, ab Sept 2016 Film Africa, UK, Okt 2016 Warschau International FF, Okt 2016 – Polish Premiere Cine Detour, Italy, Okt/Nov 2016 – Italian Premiere WOMEX, Spain, Okt 2016 – Spanish Premiere Provinziale, Germany, Okt 2016 Arabisches Filmfestival, Germany, Okt 2016 Matatu Festival of Stories, USA (Preview), Okt 2016 Französische Filmtage Tübingen, Deutschland, Nov 2016 African Diaspora Int FF, NYC, USA (Preview), Nov 2016 In-Edit, Barcelona, Spain, Okt/Nov 2016 Stockholm International FF, Sweden, Nov 2016 – Swedish Premiere Weltfilmtage Thusis, Schweiz, Switzerland, Nov 2016 Kinofest Lünen, Deutschland, Nov 2016 Leeds Film Festival, UK, Nov 2016 AugenBlickeAfrika, Hamburg, Nov 2016 Blick’16. Musik im Film, Moskau, Nov 2016 Joburg Int FF, Südafrika, Okt/Nov 2016 Annual General Meeting, Addis Abeba, Äthiopien, Nov 2016 Dubai International FF, United Arab Emirates, Dez 2016, with concert of Ahmed Ag Kaedi Africolor, France, Dez 2016, with concerts of Fatoumata Diawara Santa Barbara Int FF, US-Premiere, Feb 2017